Hoe je een huis koopt. Het optimale bod vanuit wiskundig perspectief

Nieuws - 13 maart 2018 - Communication

The Interactive Intelligence group is proud to share the media attention for the negotiation research results of our former (cum laude) PhD student Tim Baarslag (http://homepages.cwi.nl/~baarslag/) and now colleague at CWI.

The ball started to roll with an interview by NPO Focus: https://npofocus.nl/artikel/7739/computer-of-mens-wie-doet-het-beter

This was picked up NPO Radio1 that even took the effort to present Tim’s House Bidding Algorithm on their website, see https://www.nporadio1.nl/wetenschap-techniek/8495-deze-formule-vertelt-je-hoeveel-je-voor-je-droomhuis-moet-bieden?

Also Wetenschap Nu took it up and advertised his work: http://wetenschap.nu/hoe-je-een-huis-koopt-in-amsterdam-het-optimale-bod-vanuit-wiskundig-perspectief/

Way to go Tim!