

19 juli 2024

Dertien veelbelovende jonge Delftse onderzoekers ontvangen Veni-beurs

Dertien veelbelovende jonge Delftse onderzoekers ontvangen Veni-beurs

De Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) heeft aan dertien Delftse jonge wetenschappers uit de wetenschapsdomeinen Exacte en Natuurwetenschappen (ENW) en Technische en Toegepaste Wetenschappen (TTW) een Veni-financiering van maximaal 320.000 euro toegewezen.

08 juli 2024

Kun je met kwantumcomputers een oud composiet-raadsel oplossen?

Kun je met kwantumcomputers een oud composiet-raadsel oplossen?

Een team onderzoekers van de TU Delft past als eerste ter wereld kwantumcomputers toe om een oud raadsel op te lossen bij het ontwerpen van vezelversterkte composietmaterialen: hoe bepaal je de optimale volgorde van de hoeken waarop de lagen van het materiaal worden samengesteld en gestapeld? Dit bepaalt de mechanische eigenschappen van het materiaal, wat essentieel is voor de toepassing van composieten voor lichtgewicht vliegtuigen, windturbinebladen, auto's of zelfs batterijen. Het QAIMS-team is nu door naar de finalerondes van de Airbus-BMW Quantum Computing Challenge waar ze hun aanpak gaan presenteren om 'de grenzen van kwantumtechnologie voor mobiliteit te verleggen'.

02 juli 2024

Nog slimmer laden van elektrische auto’s

Nog slimmer laden van elektrische auto’s

Electric cars are increasingly being charged 'smartly', which means they are only charged at times of high grid availability and low electricity prices. Smart charging prevents grid overload and saves you money. To get maximum benefit from smart charging, you not only want to reduce the charging speed at busy or expensive hours, but also be able to pause charging. Researchers from Utrecht University and TU Delft show that adding charging pauses doubles the effectiveness of smart charging. Most cars already support this, but some car models cannot handle these charging pauses properly. The researchers call on car manufacturers to ensure that all models can handle charge pauses. The standards for this already exist, but are sometimes not appropriately applied. Making technical smart-charging requirements mandatory could help.

20 juni 2024

TU Delft team wint VU CTF

TU Delft team wint VU CTF

On the 18th of May 2024, six TU Delft student teams participated in the “VU CTF” hacking competition at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The TU Delft teams placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 9th, and 11th, winning the gold medal and dominating the leaderboard.

13 juni 2024

Cyberbeveiliging van Europese energienetwerken versterken

Cyberbeveiliging van Europese energienetwerken versterken

The increasing digitization of the power grid has brought about numerous benefits in sustainability, but it has also made the grid more susceptible to cyber threats. To address this challenge, the non-profit member organization dedicated to improving power grid security, ENCS, has joined forces with TU Delft's Control Room of the Future, signing a Memorandum of Understanding on June 12, 2024.

07 juni 2024

Spring Symposium 2024 showcases AI education

Spring Symposium 2024 showcases AI education

A line-up of interesting keynotes and workshops about AI Education captivated the audience on Tuesday June 4th during the fourth yearly Spring Symposium organised by TU Delft AI Initiative. From the fields of law and architecture to physics – a variety of disciplines were discussed, each showing how AI is a game changer for the future of their respective fields and the consequences this has for the education of the future. This underscores the importance of considering AI education across the whole university.

07 juni 2024

Een beter begrip van opkomende epidemieën

Een beter begrip van opkomende epidemieën

Researchers at TU Delft have discovered a groundbreaking way to better understand epidemics during their early onset - a critical period when every ounce of knowledge matters and can save lives. This innovative statistical method, which is up to twice as accurate as currently used epidemic models, has been published in the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) Nexus.

06 juni 2024

Extreem weer beter begrijpen: Het 3D-radarproject PHARA organiseert eerste summit

Extreem weer beter begrijpen: Het 3D-radarproject PHARA organiseert eerste summit

Under the name PHARA, a collaborative team of scientists and engineers aim to develop a pioneering phased array weather radar – first of its kind in Europe and one of the first worldwide. This joint effort TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, TNO, Robin Radar, Astron, KNMI, and the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, officially kicked off with a summit held on May 30.

13 mei 2024

Kinderen uit sociaaleconomisch achtergestelde buurten laten kennismaken met STEM-onderwijs en beroepstrajecten

Kinderen uit sociaaleconomisch achtergestelde buurten laten kennismaken met STEM-onderwijs en beroepstrajecten

In a dynamic collaboration between academia and young minds, 12 enthusiastic children from a school in Delft recently embarked on an enriching journey into the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). This event was part of the project “Bliksmestage” of JINC organisation.

03 mei 2024

TU Delft team wint Challenge the Cyber 2024

TU Delft team wint Challenge the Cyber 2024

On the 20th of April 2024, TU Delft students participated in the national “Challenge The Cyber” hacking competition in Eindhoven, and TU Delft Computer Science students Azra Ocak, Iancu Popp, Ksawery Radziwiłowicz, and Per Schrijver won the first prize in the junior division!


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