News & Events

04 februari 2022

‘Circulaire aanbouw’ in finale Circular Awards 2022

Het innovatieve ontwerp ‘Circulaire Aanbouw’ is één van de drie finalisten in de categorie Public van de Circular Awards 2022. Dit ontwerp, waaraan ook onderzoeker Anne van Stijn van de faculteit Bouwkunde van de TU Delft heeft meegewerkt, is een goed praktijkvoorbeeld van het ontwikkelen en testen van circulaire componenten voor woningrenovatie.

26 januari 2022

Ecocity World Summit workshop

How does a circular building environment touch on societal values such as social justice, well being, and citizen participation? Join the discussion in our interactive workshop at the Ecocity World Summit 2022 on 22 February.

26 januari 2022

From MOOC to genetic make-up

Several of TU Delft’s MOOCs are born of our lecturers’ desire to share their knowledge with thousands of learners worldwide, whilst challenging themselves in a new format, reaching beyond the physical campus. This journey can at times results in unexpected outcomes, such as publishing a book and helping to put circularity more firmly onto the faculty’s educational agenda.

11 januari 2022

Summer School on Circularity in the Built Environment

Students from all levels of education (BSc, MSc) as well as PhD researchers are invited to participate in a 3-day intensive workshop that will focus on the topic of scales from July 10 to July 12.

17 november 2021

BK Talks: Scale matters. In transition to a Circular Built Environment

Panel discussion moderated by Tillmann Klein on 25 November.