TU Delft Concept House prototype

The research project Concept House is coordinated by the Chair of Product Development TU Delft, and initiated by professor Mick Eekhout together with professor Arjan van Timmeren (ETD). After a 4 year period 2008 – 2012 a solitary prototype of a Concept House apartment, the ‘Concept House Delft Prototype’ has been realised on the estate of Concept House Village in Heijplaat, Rotterdam.

The Delft Prototype is an apartment of a hypothetical Concept House Urban Villa in 4 floors, each containing 4 apartments with the characteristics of high level industrial production, energy positive in use, built with an extreme low ecological footprint and suitable for stacked affordable housing. This research, development, production & built project has resulted in an unique novelty on the Dutch building market: a sustainable zero-energy apartment system for medium rise housing. The development was initiated in close collaboration with a consortium of partners from the SME building supply industry. The collaboration with the TU Delft resulted at the partner industries in partial innovation of their component products in the prototype on an individual base. Innovation progresses further in these partner industries.

The prototype will be used during 3 years for further building technical development in the Concept House prototype. For that purpose the partners and sponsors have been invited to install new components and to replace existing components by innovated ones. The prototype will be used to measure and evaluate the different sustainability related technologies / systems, for which it will be inhabited temporally by different inhabitants or guests. These inhabitants and their reactions will be monitored and evaluated. To do so a three year long research program has been laid out from the faculty of Industrial Design, focussing on behaviour of the guests, the user friendliness of equipment, mainly of energy consumption (SUSlab NWE).

ETD contact for this project: Arjan van Timmeren (A.vanTimmeren@tudelft.nl).

Related contacts: CHp: Mick Eekhout (A.C.J.M.Eekhout@tudelft.nl), SUSlab NWE: David Keyson (D.V.Keyson@tudelft.nl), Concept House Village: Bert Hooijer (H.Hooijer@hr.nl).