Eline Rietberg heeft de ICOIN Best Paper Award gewonnen

Nieuws - 31 januari 2018 - Communication

Op de 32e ‘International Conference on Information Networking’ (ICOIN 2018) in Thailand, heeft Eline Rietberg (een voormalig student van EWI) de Best Paper Award gewonnen. De titel van het paper is: ‘Analyzing Information Availability in ICN under Link Failures’. Die een resultaat is van een project uitgevoerd bij TNO. Co-autheurs van het paper zijn Robert Kooij (TNO en parttime professor bij de Network Architectures & Services Group), Lucia d'Acunto (TNO) en Hans van den Berg (TNO/ UT).

Meer informatie (in Engels)
The paper describes information availability in so-called Information-Centric Networks (ICNs). ICN’s facilitate in-network caching, which has amongst others the advantage of providing higher information availability than traditional IP networks. This property is very beneficial in a variety of scenarios, ranging from node mobility to network disruptions and failures. However, a clear understanding of the extent to which information in ICN’s remains available to the users in those scenarios as well as the impact of different ICN design choices (e.g. caching strategy and caching capacity) and network characteristics (e.g. topology) is currently lacking in literature. In order to fill this gap, we have developed an analytical model to study the information availability in ICN’s when network disruptions occur. In particular, this model allows us to compute the probability that, under the occurrence of link failures, users are still able to retrieve the information they are interested in.