Papers accepted at LAK and IUI

Nieuws - 01 november 2017

Our research titled "The Half-Life of MOOC Knowledge: A Randomized Trial Evaluating the Testing Effect in MOOCs" was accepted as a full paper at the 8th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference! This is a collaboration between WIS members Dan Davis, Claudia Hauff and Geert-Jan Houben as well as René Kizilcec (U Stanford). Our work on "Webcam-based attention tracking in Online Learning: A Feasibility Study" was accepted as a full paper at IUI 2018 (the 23rd annual meeting of the Intelligent User Interfaces community); the work was a collaboration between Tarmo Robal (Tallinn University of Technology) and WIS members Yue Zhao, Christoph Lofi and Claudia Hauff.