Students from Advanced Prototyping minor explore personalised fit designs

Nieuws - 07 december 2023 - Communication

Imagine having a product that is personalised to you, your body, and your preferences. Wouldn’t it be nice to explore the countryside on a comfortable racing bike or glide across the water while seated in a comfortable rowing boat? How about being able to effortlessly carry a skateboard on your back using a convenient back carrier? Or, in case of an injury, picture having a perfectly fitted, comfortable brace, or set of crutches that are more user-friendly. 

Students enrolled in the Advanced Prototyping minor dedicated 10 weeks to developing a variety of products tailored for personalised fit. These product concepts were inspired by their own personal passions, hobbies, and the challenges they themselves have faced.

This year marked a new addition to the Advanced Prototyping Minor: the incorporation of a virtual reality (VR) dimension. Students explored the possibilities of VR to showcase unique aspects of their personalised fit designs and to allow users to interact with them. The concepts were placed within fitting, virtual environments, and were (often) created using publicly available 3D models. Via this addition to the minor, students explored creative ways of interacting in VR with the aim of developing an intuitive and usable VR experience.