
Isolated areas

Casablanca is understood as a city built of multiple sometimes radically isolated areas. Contrary wide-spread interpretations, though, these enclaves are not considered in negative terms; but as a source of potential for future development.

Typological subversion

A rigorous morpho-typological study of the elements that inform some of these enclaves yields valuable insight into several elemental building blocks of the city; and reveals that, more than functional enclaves, oftentimes these areas are deliberately isolated from each other based on their configuration.

Enclaves within enclaves

Three interventions are proposed as ‘enclaves within enclaves,’ advanced as radical acts of typological subversion. Each of these interventions aims to test the logics and dynamics that inform different parts of the city; and links well known architectural typologies (a cave, courtyards, a basilica) with elemental technical motivations (carving, assembling, weaving).

Casablanca, Morocco
Msc 3/4 Graduation Project 2015
Students: Agnieszka Batkiewicz, Veronika Mayr
Teachers: Jorge Mejía Hernández, Tom Avermaete, Pierre Jennen