Talk with the professors - Ibo van de Poel

Ibo van de Poel

Ibo van de Poel is a professor in Ethics and Technology and head of the Department Values, Technology & Innovation of the School of Technology, Policy and Management. He has done a master's in philosophy of Science, Technology and Society (with a propaedeutic exam in Mechanical Engineering) and obtained a PhD in Science and Technology Studies from the University of Twente before he came to Delft in 1998. His work has been cited over 3700 times and currently holds an h-index of 35. Additionally, he also the author of the first Dutch textbook on ethics and technology. 

According to you, why should engineers choose to pursue MOT? 

MOT is an interdisciplinary but well-focused and challenging master program that help you well prepare for managing technology and innovations in a corporate context. 

How does engineering complements with the study of ethics? 

Technology is increasing leading to ethical and societal issues and challenges that need to be addressed from the start of the innovation process (responsible innovation) in order to contribute to better acceptance and better moral acceptability of new technologies. This is in the self-interest of companies but also helps companies to contribute to better technology in a better society.  

What should students expect from the MOT programme? 

A diverse program that prepares them for managing technology in companies and in society. Committed teachers that challenge them to learn new things and ask questions. 

What do you think makes MOT different from other programmes in management? 

The focus on technology primarily distinguishes MOT from other management programs, additionally the attention for economics and ethics. 

How has your experience been at the faculty of TPM? 

TPM is an inspiring and very interdisciplinary environment with committed colleagues who work closely together and try to improve themselves and their students.