Talk with the professors - Jenny Lieu

Jenny Lieu

Dr. J. (Jenny) Lieu is an Assistant Professor in the TPM and the Multi Actor System (MAS) within the Organisation and Governance Group. Her research interests include energy, climate policy, policy learning and transfer, innovation, gender and inclusive low-carbon transitions, and the possibility for negative emissions through land-use practices and technology. 

According to you, why should engineers choose to pursue MOT?

Engineering is more than finding optimal solutions, it’s also about working with people to develop these solutions together. The programme hopes to provide both technical and non-technical skillsets to prepare you for industry. 

What should students expect from the MOT programme?

Students can expect to be stretch, to learn from the faculty from your peers, to experiment and to develop critical thinking skills that serves as a foundation in your future careers. 

What do you think makes MOT different from other programmes in management?

I think we aspire to provide a fundamentally human spin on the development and implementation of technology. We promote individual critical thinking in a team setting and also consider how we can together address the grand challenges in society, such as climate change, in our program.  

What is your opinion about the field of management as a career for women to pursue?

We certainly need more women in all levels of management and especially in technical fields! Women as well as other non-binary individuals bring in diverse perspectives, may ask different questions, think about problems in a different way and as results lead to different solutions- which is very much needed! We need diversity of background, experiences, perspectives, and thinking to help tackle our societal challenges. I’m personally encouraging more women and people from diverse backgrounds to join the field of management. I look forward to seeing you in our classes! 

How has your experience been at the faculty of TPM?

I have been in the MAS department for nearly two years, and I really enjoy the values of team science and team teaching. I personally believe that people I’ve connected with here are genuinely kind and care about each other. My colleagues are inspiring and students in TPM are motivated, ask really great questions and are creative! We are facing unprecedented problems in our present time and more than ever, we need to work together, and I feel that TPM is the place that empowers individuals and teams to contribute to this world in a positive way.