Registration without an active enrollment

Registering for IDE BSc and MSc courses What to do if you are an IDE student without an active enrollment?

At IDE, students must register for all BSc and MSc courses. Registration is done per semester, so 2 times per year.

Signing up for the courses you want to take is done via the MyTUDelftapp.
But what if you are temporarily deregistered and do not have access to the MyTUDelft app?

Send an email to during the registration period (dates can be found on the website: with your study number and the course codes of the courses you want to take. 
You will then, if you meet the admission requirements and if there is space available in the course(s) (in case of master electives), be manually added to the participant lists of the courses you want to do.

Please note: At the start of the course(s), when you will be actively participating in education, you must always have an active enrollment.
For more information about (re)enrolling, check this website:

Once your registration is active, you will again have access to the MyTUDelftapp where you will be able to find your registration(s) for the courses.
So if you already know that you will (temporarily) deregister but want to continue with IDE later, it is important to keep an eye on the website with the dates for the registration periods.
This is because we send information regarding this to students (to TU email addresses) and post messages on Brightspace, but if you don't have an enrollment, you won't have access to Brightspace and therefore won't receive emails.