Fraud and consequences

Fraud and consequences

You commit fraud when you make it impossible to assess your knowledge, or the knowledge of another student.

We all know that some students cheat intentionally. Other students cheat through ignorance, carelessness or because they succumb to pressure. Could that happen to you? How much do you really know about academic fraud? Have you read the TU Delft code of conduct? Can you apply copyright and citation rules? Take some time and find out. If you are new at TU Delft, you can prevent unintentional fraud by reading and applying the rules used at TU Delft. Every student should know the rules on fraud and plagiarism. If you do not, you can still be held accountable. You may not find cheating very tempting when you know the risks.

When you are caught cheating, your work will be declared invalid. The sanction  is determined per individual case. Even though details may vary across TU Delft, all students can receive one or more of these sanctions: 1) a reprimand or 2) exclusion from this examination or 3) all examinations for up to one year;
For the severest cases of fraud, you can be expelled from the university.

You can also hurt others: if large scale fraud is suspected, an exam can be declared invalid for the entire class.

Long term
Cheating is not a shortcut; it will put you on the wrong track. When you pass exams through cheating and have not learned the learning goals,  you will make things more difficult for yourself. You will have trouble keeping up with more advanced courses or you can run into difficulties in your professional life.   

No need for panic
If you know the rules you can act accordingly and prevent suspicions of fraud. If at some point you are suspected of fraud, there is no need to panic. A suspicion of fraud does not always result in a ‘guilty’ verdict. You will get the opportunity to give a statement before any judgement is made.