
To support Dutch equipment manufacturers in the global market of Photovoltaics, the High-Tech “IBChampion” consortium will develop a cost-effective IBC cell and module with cell efficiencies between 22-23%, by 2016. The prime objective of the project is to develop a high efficiency and cost effective homo-junction IBC cell and module process incorporating equipment and processes developed by Dutch manufacturers. Processes and/or device architecture features are to be protected by patents. The competitive process should be transferable to industry (PV manufacturers) and help to increase in sales of Dutch process equipment. The targeted efficiency of the IBC cell is 22% based on a 6-inch wafer and on a process that can be readily transferred to PV manufactures. The feasibility of a full sized module with 20.5 % full area module efficiency will be demonstrated. The result will be achieved with a process that adds 1 to 4 extra steps to the n-PASHA process. Furthermore, the project targets an even higher efficiency of 23% based on a proof-of-principle process flow and will demonstrate the feasibility of a full sized module with 21.5% full area module efficiency.

Research objective

Within the IBChampion project, PVMD group is the work package leader for “High Efficiency cell concepts”. The work package is divided into 3 parts: (1) PVMD will transfer the optimized doping/passivation /metallization schemes to ECN and visa versa for testing of complete IBC cells based on the Mercury cell concept with goal of demonstrating 23% efficiency at an earlier stage in the project . (2) Establish modified flows to secure compatibility between processing lines at ECN/PVMD. PVMD will optimization the diborane p-emitters and back/front surface field in PVMD in-house IBC process with double-layer PVD Al-metallization for low-resistance interconnect. (3) PVMD develops new semi-insulating passivation layers deposited by PECVD/LPCVD/PVD to reduce minority carrier injection into metallized emitter contacts.


  • G.Yang, N. van Hameren, A. Ingenito, O. Isabella, M. Zeman, Implanted polysi as passivating contacts in IBC solar cells,  Siliocn PV conference proceedings, (2015).

  • G.Yang. A. Ingenito, N. van Hameren, O. Isabella, M. Zeman, Design and application of ion-implanted polySi passivating contacts for IBC c-Si solar cells, Applied Physics Letter, 108, 033903 (2016).


Subsidy: TKI

Duration: 2014-2016

People involved: Dr. Olindo Isabella, Dr. Guangtao Yang, Nienke van Hameren