
851 results

22 June 2021

TU Delft presents its perspective on Recognition & Rewards

TU Delft presents its perspective on Recognition & Rewards

21 June 2021

Broad support for ambitious climate policy if four conditions are met

Broad support for ambitious climate policy if four conditions are met

Onderzoekers stelden ruim 10.000 Nederlanders in staat de overheid te adviseren over klimaatbeleid. Het eindrapport is nu online.

17 June 2021

Sand on the horizon

Sand on the horizon

It’s a decade since the creation of the Sand Motor, an artificial sand bank off the North Sea coast. What happens to a natural system following human intervention on such a large scale? That question has been the focus of professor of Coastal Engineering Stefan Aarninkhof’s research for the last ten years. The results, he hopes, will pave the way to a full-scale experimental climate lab.

16 June 2021

Lunar Zebro and TNO join forces to pave the way to the Moon

Lunar Zebro and TNO join forces to pave the way to the Moon

Lunar Zebro, an ambitious team at TU Delft will work together with TNO (The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research) to build the lightest and smallest Moon rover to date.

15 June 2021

TU Delft becomes New European Bauhaus partner

TU Delft becomes New European Bauhaus partner

TU Delft has been selected as a partner of the New European Bauhaus, a think-do tank initiated by the President of the European Commission.

15 June 2021

TU Delft retains 57th place in the QS World University Ranking

TU Delft retains 57th place in the QS World University Ranking

TU Delft is ranked 57th in the QS World University Ranking 2021-2022, the same place as last year.

15 June 2021

Grants for research on energy transition in Delft

Grants for research on energy transition in Delft

Energy transition is one of the greatest challenges of our time. The transition to sustainable energy is complex and requires change at multiple levels. Three Delft research groups, with an grant from NWO, will conduct research into system integration within the energy transition.

11 June 2021

Venus orbiter EnVision selected as new ESA mission

Venus orbiter EnVision selected as new ESA mission

The European Space Agency (ESA) has selected the Venus orbiter EnVision as the fifth medium-class mission within its Cosmic Vision program. It marks the beginning of a new era of Venus exploration—last week NASA already announced two new missions to Earth' sister planet. SRON and TU Delft are part of the EnVision consortium.

07 June 2021

Karin Sluis is TU Delft Alumnus of the Year 2021

Karin Sluis is TU Delft Alumnus of the Year 2021

03 June 2021

Max Mulder | Professor of Excellence 2021

Max Mulder | Professor of Excellence 2021

On Thursday 3 June, the Delft University Fund awarded Max Mulder the title of Professor of Excellence 2021. Mulder is Professor of Control & Simulation in the Department of Control & Operations at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (AE).

21 May 2021

Researchers in Delft and Eindhoven argue in Science for more ventilation to combat COVID-19

An international group of 39 scientists have published an article in Science arguing for more use of ventilation to combat COVID-19. However, they want to use their argument far more broadly than just the current pandemic, and to combat the spread of all respiratory infections by changing building designs. Philomena Bluyssen from TU Delft and Marcel Loomans from TU Eindhoven are two of the authors. The article was published on Thursday 13 May.

21 May 2021

Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness Center openend

Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness Center openend

The Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness Center (PDPC) was officially opened on Friday May 21 at Erasmus MC. Researchers at the PDPC study future virus outbreaks and disasters to be better prepared.

17 May 2021

TU Delft develops helpful cost guidelines for carbon capture

TU Delft develops helpful cost guidelines for carbon capture

Het afvangen en opslaan van CO2 is een van de vele technologieën die nodig zijn om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan. De technologie is beschikbaar en wordt al in diverse projecten toegepast, maar nog niet op wereldwijde schaal toegepast. Het gebrek aan kennis over de kosten van CO2-afvang en -opslag (CCS) kan ertoe leiden dat investeerders zich terugtrekken. Een wereldwijd consortium van twaalf onderzoekers op het gebied van CCS, onder leiding van Andrea Ramirez van de TU Delft, heeft samengewerkt aan een uitgebreide whitepaper. Het whitepaper helpt te begrijpen hoe de kosten van projecten voor CO2-afvang en -opslag correct kunnen worden geraamd.

11 May 2021

Serge Hoogendoorn new member KNAW

Serge Hoogendoorn new member KNAW

Serge Hoogendoorn will be installed as a KNAW member on September 13. The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has elected twenty-three new members, including three from abroad. Members of the KNAW, leading scientists from all disciplines, are elected on the basis of their scientific achievements. The KNAW has approximately five hundred and fifty members. Membership is for life.

10 May 2021

A little walk can make ridesharing a lot more efficient

A little walk can make ridesharing a lot more efficient

Ridesharing can benefit from using pick-up and drop-off points and asking users to walk a small distance. Researchers at TU Delft have analyzed this by using a real dataset of 10.000 Manhattan taxi trips. They have published their results online in Transportation Research Part C.

02 May 2021

Restaurants at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment are the first to offer fully vegetarian menu

Restaurants at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment are the first to offer fully vegetarian menu

Sustainability is a high priority at TU Delft. Not only is it a common thread in many of the university’s education, research and valorisation activities - the university is also taking steps towards making the campus more sustainable. In this regard, the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment is the first faculty which offers an entirely vegetarian menu at Ketelhuis starting 3 May. When the other food & beverage facilities at the faculty reopen, their assortment will also be fully vegetarian.

29 April 2021

1,000 rivers emit nearly 80% of global ocean plastic pollution

1,000 rivers emit nearly 80% of global ocean plastic pollution

A publication in Science Advances sheds new light on where and how much plastic flows into the oceans via rivers.

29 April 2021

Researchers create living material based on algae

Researchers create living material based on algae

Researchers led by Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) used 3D printing to create a novel, environmentally-friendly and living material made of algae that has many potential applications.

28 April 2021

NWO awards 10 million euros for solving cyber security issues

NWO awards 10 million euros for solving cyber security issues

26 April 2021

Royal Honors for three TU Delft professors

Royal Honors for three TU Delft professors

De Delftse hoogleraren Pieternel Levelt, Jack Pronk en Kees Vuik hebben dit jaar een Koninklijke Onderscheiding ontvangen.

22 April 2021

Wetenschapcommunicatie door wetenschappers: Gewaardeerd

Wetenschapcommunicatie door wetenschappers: Gewaardeerd

Today the first awards were announced from the pilot fund Science Communication by Scientists Appreciated! Despite the great importance of interaction between science and society, science communication is still far from being recognized as a fully-fledged part of a scientific task package. The Pilot Fund Scientific Communication by Scientists: Valued! - instituted by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and implemented by the KNAW, is a step in the direction of making visible and rewarding the large group of scientists who are structurally committed to science communication.

22 April 2021

ERC Advanced grants for TU Delft researchers

ERC Advanced grants for TU Delft researchers

Two TU Delft researchers have been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant.

22 April 2021

TU Delft simulations help optimize solar cell efficiency

TU Delft simulations help optimize solar cell efficiency

An international photovoltaics working group has developed a new transparent material to serve as a top layer for solar cells, based on nanocrystals. According to simulations performed by the participating TU Delft researchers, this layer can increase the efficiency of mass-produced solar cells to within a percent of their practical limit.

19 April 2021

TU Delft and NFI join forces to innovate forensic research

TU Delft and NFI join forces to innovate forensic research

How does someone fall down after a push or jump? How to do good research at a crime scene? Can a computer model determine the time of death? And how do you get all traces out of a phone in a good way? These are just a few examples of studies that TU Delft and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) are conducting together. Today, the collaboration has been strengthened by signing a joint "Memorandum of Understanding".

19 April 2021

TU Delft develops ‘stumble tracker’ for trauma surgeon

TU Delft develops ‘stumble tracker’ for trauma surgeon

We’re all familiar with the step tracker these days. Now there’s something new: the stumble tracker. This invention by TU Delft is helping a trauma surgeon at Erasmus MC to measure whether people using a new kind of prosthetic leg stumble less frequently. ‘This partnership has a bright future.’

15 April 2021

Dutch researchers establish the first entanglement-based quantum network

Dutch researchers establish the first entanglement-based quantum network

A team of researchers from QuTech in the Netherlands reports realization of the first multi-node quantum network, connecting three quantum processors. In addition, they achieved a proof-of-principle demonstration of key quantum network protocols. Their findings mark an important milestone towards the future quantum internet and have now been published in Science.

14 April 2021

TU Delft research partner at solar parking lot in Dronten

TU Delft research partner at solar parking lot in Dronten

A parking lot with solar panels where renewable energy generation, electric charging and energy storage are cleverly integrated. In the Municipality of Dronten, the official opening of a parking lot with 1,100 solar panels is taking place today, which, in combination with a large battery, will make the town hall energy-neutral.

14 April 2021

Chirlmin Joo receives VICI grant for identifying proteins one at a time

Chirlmin Joo receives VICI grant for identifying proteins one at a time

Researcher Chirlmin Joo of TU Delft will receive a VICI grant for developing a method to sequence proteins one at a time. He will receive 1.5 million euros from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).

13 April 2021

TU Delft launches large-scale Climate Action Programme

TU Delft launches large-scale Climate Action Programme

For the next ten years TU Delft will allocate 22 million euro to set up and shape an extensive Climate Action Programme, focusing not only on additional investments in research and education but also on improving the sustainability of TU Delft campus.

13 April 2021

Investment from Growth Fund gives Zuid-Holland economy a big boost

Investment from Growth Fund gives Zuid-Holland economy a big boost

Zuid-Holland's economy and knowledge and innovation infrastructure will be strengthened thanks to investments from the National Growth Fund announced today by the demissionary government. The money will go towards improving accessibility, Health, Quantum, Green Power and Artificial Intelligence.

08 April 2021

Grimburgwal provides lessons for quay wall renovations Amsterdam

Grimburgwal provides lessons for quay wall renovations Amsterdam

On September 1, 2020, part of the quay of the Grimburgwal in Amsterdam collapsed. The primary causes appear to be the different construction of the narrow quay, the locally deeper canal bed, and the weakening of masonry due to collisions. This is the result of the research conducted by a research team composed of experts from TU Delft, Deltares, AMS Institute, and SkyGEO, led by Mandy Korff (TU Delft/Deltares), on behalf of the City of Amsterdam. The full report with conclusions and recommendations for other quay walls in the city was published by the City of Amsterdam on April 8, 2021.

07 April 2021

Stopping Alzheimer’s before it starts

Stopping Alzheimer’s before it starts

This week the Dutch project ABOARD (A personalized medicine approach for Alzheimer’s disease), a collaboration of more than thirty partners, has been launched. ABOARD aims to prepare for a future in which Alzheimer’s disease is stopped before dementia has started. ABOARD achieves this by improving diagnostic markers, developing personalized risk scores and by focusing on prevention through increased awareness of dementia and brain health.

07 April 2021

Using molecular sieves to adjust the taste of non-alcoholic beer

Using molecular sieves to adjust the taste of non-alcoholic beer

Researcher Deborah Gernat has created a new method to further develop the taste of non-alcoholic beer, in collaboration with Heineken. The technique, which is based on molecular sieves, gives brewers a new tool to bring the taste of non-alcoholic beer closer to that of regular beer. The first tests showed that the sweet 'wort taste' that often characterizes alcohol-free beer can be reduced using this method. On April 9th, Deborah Gernat will receive her doctorate on this subject at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).

06 April 2021

Marien van der Meer new member Executive Board/Vice President Operations

Marien van der Meer will become Vice President Operations (VPO) in the Executive Board of TU Delft. The Supervisory Board has appointed Van der Meer as of 1 August 2021. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors/CFOO of the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Netherlands Cancer Institute.

30 March 2021

Novel disaster communication system empowers communities and can save lives

Novel disaster communication system empowers communities and can save lives

Een bijna lege telefoon kan bij rampen het verschil betekenen tussen leven en dood. TU Delft onderzoeker Indushree Banerjee heeft daarom een nieuw energie-efficiënt en betrouwbaar noodcommunicatiesysteem ontworpen voor smartphones. Het systeem maximaliseert het aantal mensen dat gedurende een langere periode kan communiceren en kan daarmee levens redden in getroffen gebieden.

29 March 2021

Clever Delft trick enables 20 times faster imaging with electron microscopy

Clever Delft trick enables 20 times faster imaging with electron microscopy

Researchers at TU Delft have expanded upon a clever trick that increases the speed of electron microscope imaging by a factor of twenty. A simple adjustment is all that is needed: applying a voltage to the specimen holder. Through this simple intervention, a specimen that the electron microscope would normally take a week to image can now be inspected in a single night or one working day.

26 March 2021

TU Delft builds supercomputer on own campus

TU Delft builds supercomputer on own campus

TU Delft is building the Delft High-Performance Computing Centre (DHPC). This supercomputer complements existing national and cloud-based facilities, and offers academics and students greater flexibility when conducting their research. The arrival of the supercomputer is accompanied by a comprehensive training programme addressing the effective use of computing facilities.

26 March 2021

TU Delft maps out airflow in Thialf stadium

TU Delft maps out airflow in Thialf stadium

The ventilation system in the Thialf ice stadium creates an airflow that affects the skaters. This is the conclusion of TU Delft aerodynamics researcher Alexander Spoelstra. He was commissioned by Thialf to closely map out the airflow, after skaters asked questions about the stadium's ventilation system. Spoelstra used a research set-up made up of lasers, helium bubbles and high-speed cameras. The technical report of the investigation was published online on 26 March.

26 March 2021

Researchers shed new light on DNA replication

Researchers shed new light on DNA replication

In preparation for cell division, cells need to copy (‘replicate’) the DNA that they contain. A team of researchers from TU Delft, collaborating with investigators from the Francis Crick Institute in London, has now shown that the protein building blocks involved in the initial steps of DNA replication are mobile but reduce their speed at specific DNA sequences on the genome. Their findings, which will be published on 26 March in the open-access journal Nature Communications, were facilitated using an integrated approach involving biophysics and biochemistry that will propel new discoveries in the field.

24 March 2021

Semiconductor qubits scale in two dimensions

Semiconductor qubits scale in two dimensions

The heart of any computer, its central processing unit, is built using semiconductor technology, which is capable of putting billions of transistors onto a single chip. Now, researchers from the group of Menno Veldhorst at QuTech, a collaboration between TU Delft and TNO, have shown that this technology can be used to build a two-dimensional array of qubits to function as a quantum processor. Their work, a crucial milestone for scalable quantum technology, was published today in Nature.